Ik ben helemaal fan van SlowLab en Slow design. Ik kreeg weer een fantastische nieuwsbrief van ze met daarin en prachtig beeld van Maria Blaisse's onderzoek naar vorm met Bamboo. Er is ook een erg mooie video van. Zie hieronder. Je kunt SlowLab steunen met een project : Kickstarter. Ze zoeken sponsors. Lees de nieuwsbrief en info op de site van Slowlab en Kickstarter en volg ze op SlowLab Facebook.
Klik hier als het filmje niet werkt
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/7381953?color=ffffff" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/7381953">Moving Meshes</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2560116">Marcela Giesche</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Stukje uit de Nieuwsbrief: [
lees hier de hele nieuwsbrief van SlowLab.]
Maria Blaisse's explorations of form and matter inspire new visions of symbiosis with our surroundings. |
Dear slowLab friends, fans and those otherwise Slow design curious:
If you've been reading our newsletters, you're aware that we've been running a campaign on Kickstarter to fund the SLOW DESIGN KNOWLEDGE INDEX: a giant honeycomb of Slow design ideas, projects, tools, and resources that will enable broader acceptance and understanding of Slow design, will catalyze new ideas, academic programs, local actions and dialogues, and will amplify the voices of the Slow design community.
If you're still not sure what 'Slow design knowledge' is, take a look at our Kickstarter page and be inspired by the beautiful images and music in our video ;) Or check out our Facebook organization page slowLab - A Slow Design Network (note that entries are viewable whether or not you have a Facebook account yourself). We've recently posted there about how Maria Blaisse's explorations of form and material inspire new visions for Slow urbanism, as well as about Pia Lindman's Slow view of democracy-in-action, Kate Fletcher's recent 'Local Wisdom' event in NYC, and how YOU can be part of designing the first Slow Design Reader. Take a look. let us know what you think, and share the link with others!
Some of you already have donated to the Kickstarter campaign, others have helped to spread the word, and some have done both. To all of you we send our heartfelt thanks :)
Now we have just 24 HOURS TO GO and this is the final push. Can you help?